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Siapa tuh Ermi?

Foto saya
Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Halo, nama lengkap saya Ermida Debita. Teman-teman yang sudah dekat memanggil saya Ermi, kalau yang baru kenal biasanya Ermida. Saya lahir 12-12-96. Sekarang saya sedang merantau ke Bandung untuk sekolah, tepatnya di SMAN 5 Bandung. Doakan saya semoga perantauan saya tidak sia-sia dan diberkahi Allah ya! Aamiin.

Can't i love you

Even it is so painful, I can’t feel it
Even I’m waiting for you and you wouldn’t come
Even I think of you with shaking so badly, I can’t feel it
Since the day I put your heart in my mind
I can’t put my heart else where
Even if it hurts and breaks my heart apart, I won’t close my heart
I am who was living in a lonely world
You’re the only one who can make me smile
Can’t I love you? Can you come to me?
Just for once, can you hug me in you arms?
You’re the only one I love
Can’t you accept my heart?
The reason why I’m still breathing in this terrible loneliness
It’s all because of you
Can’t I love you? Can you come to me?
Once again, can you hug me in your arms?
You’re the only one I love
For the first time and last time
Even you’re alive, you can’t be held in my arms
Even you throw my heart away from your mind
Can’t I love you? Even if I’m just behind your back
Distantly, I just can look at you from afar
Even if I just can protect your shadow
Even like this, it’s alright.. even only I love you, it’s okay…

(awal mendengar lagu ini, aku sempat sedih...)

2 comments: (+add yours?)

Unknown mengatakan...

hwaaa... bagus sekali lagunya kak...

Ermida Debita mengatakan...

:') iya, aku sempat nangis bayangin film dgn sountrack lagu ini..

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